Cover Lense
AG filters ensure that on-screen contents remain visible without distracting reflections or distortions from the surrounding environment.
Low Consumption
No compromises to display brightness or performance. Low power consumption means lower heat output and more eco-friendly operation in the long term.
Dual Power Supply
ATC industry displays offer the best in reliability, but their source of power may not. With dual power supply inputs, displays can use alternative power sources if grid power fails.
Various Formats
2K2K, 4K2K, 2M resolutions, wide or square aspect ratios, D&T can manufacture a display for your unique requirements and use case.
Touch Sensing
D&T is experienced in applying touch sensitivity to a variety of displays. Integration of Projected Capacitive, EMR, or Infra-Red touch sensors is possible.

Radar, Tower, and Auxiliary Displays. Industry specific displays with Sony DDM compatibility, SBC/SNMP support, and luminance stabilization.

Contact us
Have a project that you would like to develop with us? Want to manufacture a product at our facilities? Maybe your company provides some interesting technology we can integrate in our displays? Please get in touch with us through contact form to be connected with the relevant member of the D&T team.